The Bottom Lline
The single biggest thing lacking in the current AMSAT administration is transparency. This has NOT been part of AMSAT’s culture. If you look through old issues of the AMSAT Journal to the 1990’s you will see that the organization was very transparent. Annual reports were detailed, numbers clearly discussed including membership numbers. Problems and solutions were discussed openly. Members were treated as partners not as customers, as the VPE referred to you. The board’s mission is not to provide a product and service for a membership fee. It’s here to facilitate interests of the members as completely as possible. This should be an organization that welcomes volunteers and supports the formation of independent special interest groups under the umbrella of AMSAT so that everyone feels like they belong to an organization that promotes all aspects of the hobby.
You may agree with some or all of this. You may not agree with any of this. If you don’t agree enough to vote for me, that’s OK too. As the late Tony Montiero once said “ we can disagree but we are still all friends”. If I’m not the right person for you please consider the other two ‘outsiders’ running, Jeff Johns and Bob McGwier. There is too much at stake to leave the status quo in place.